
Simulating the effects of alternative management measures of trawl fisheries in the Central Mediterranean Sea: application of a multi-species bio-economic modelling approach

In the last decades, the Mediterranean Sea experienced an increasing trend of fish stocks in overfishing status. Therefore, management actions to achieve a more sustainable exploitation of fishery resources are required and compelling. In this study, …

Trends in effort and yield of trawl fisheries: a case study from the Mediterranean Sea

The rationale applied for monitoring and managing fisheries is based on the implicit assumption that yield and stocks status is essentially determined by fisheries. Moreover, the fisheries yield is quantified and analyzed in terms of landings with …

A model combining landings and VMS data to estimate landings by fishing ground and harbor

At present, the assessment and management of Adriatic Sea fishery resources are based on data that do not fully account for the complex spatial patterns arising from fleet behavior and/or species’ behavior and biology, mainly because logbooks do not …

A holistic approach to fishery management: evidence and insights from a central mediterranean case study (Western Ionian Sea)

The new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is designed to represent an appropriate response to the uncertainties and challenges facing the fisheries sector. It also adopts a holistic approach to fisheries management, considering all factors driving …